Within the sector of contemporary building, the curtain wall can be considered an innovative technological system of construction, formed by an insulating layer applied directly to the supporting structure of the façade, and by a layer of cladding tied to the building through means of an appropriate fixing system.
Between insulator and cladding an air space is thus created which, owing to the “stack effect” (upward draught of hot air), activates effective natural ventilation, with notable benefits for the entire system. Such a technique is the result of an evolution of concepts that have been experimented for centuries. In fact, there are many traditional constructions that have air spaces between an outer cladding of wooden laths or slate slabs and a fixing system made up of wooden splines attached directly to the loadbearing structure of the building with screws or nails.
Considering the areas in which these types of cladding are widespread (Liguria, Alpine zones, North European regions), it is clear that they were initially invented to seal the outer walls against driving rain, characteristic of windy areas.
New techniques have permitted the creation of a façade system with indisputable advantages. Among these, apart from its watertightness we should mention:
- reduced risk of cracking and detachment, typical of cladding applied directly to the wall structure;
Involucri in cotto
Innovation in cotto cladding.
01. unloading of cotto material at the buildingsite
02. assembling of the primary vertical structure
03. anchorage brackets for the secondary horizontal structur
04.e 05. assembling of bars making up the secondary horizontal structure
06. component edging based on indexes prepared by the Sannini technicians
07. mounting of the cotto elements onto the steel bars
08. coupling of elements to form rows
09. mounting of rubber ‘silent blocks’
10. positioning of various cotto elements by means of a rubber hammer
11. e 12. control of measurement precision
13. C/C measurement
14. e 15. initial assembling phase of the next bay
16. appearance of the finished facade