Sannini Impruneta delivers CottoFlash products ready-treated, with a perfect finish, and particular care and attention are therefore required when the tiles are laid, as with any product of this type.The roles played by the tile-layer and building site manager are particularly important.
Laying can be done equally well either with mortar or adhesive. It must be done to “professional standards”, using only quality materials and being aware of the possible different shades which are characteristic for cotto.
Important: Systematically wipe away any remnants of mortar or adhesive with a damp sponge before they dry. Removing remnants when they are dried or hardened will spoil the finish!
Come durante l’operazione di posa, anche nel proseguimento dei lavori (tinteggiatura delle pareti, etc...), CottoFlash deve essere trattato con cura. Si raccomanda pertanto di proteggere il pavimento con materiali che permettano la traspirazione (carta, teli e similari) evitando materiali sintetici.
Before handing over the floor to the customer, carry out the following initial maintenance operations:
1. Clean the floor with COTTOFLASH CLEANER to remove any remaining dirt, following the instructions on the label.
2. After cleaning apply a uniform coat of undiluted COTTOFLASH-PRO, a protective and preserving agent, following the instructions on the label.
COTTOFLASH is now ready to start its life as a perfect floor, requiring only the normal maintenance for a traditionally treated cotto surface. For normal domestic cleaning, simply use a cloth dampened with water or any normal neutral, ammoniacfree detergent. Any dullness caused by wear is easy to remove with concentrated COTTOFLASH-PRO, spread evenly with a damp, clean cloth.
It doesn’t take much to keep your CottoFlash floor covering clean and attractive. Just wipe the tiles with a cloth moistened with water or ordinary detergent, a disinfectant can also be used. The tiles may become dull with time or wear. To polish the tiles, apply a protective agent such as COTTOFLASH PRO from time to time with a damp cloth.
CottoFlash is a traditional Cotto which is treated using methods and natural substances allowing the tile to breathe and regenerate. It is therefore important to avoid any substance which might damage the protected surface of the tile.
CottoFlash tiles undergo a special protective treatment which prevents the absorption of substances likely to leave stains. As a rule, ordinary household stains are therefore easily removeable.
Like any other Cotto floor treated with natural materials, there are certain substances which may damage the surface of your CottoFlash tiles and impair their aesthetic finish.
Buffered acid Cleaner:
Buffered solid acid liquid emulsion designed to remove incrostations, rust, cement residues and efflorescences.
Self-polishing protective agent preserves Cottoflash. Water based emulsion combines natural hard resins and waxes with surface active agents.
Esempio di cotto arrotato trattato con Cottoflash System
Esempio di litos trattato con Cottoflash System
Esempio di poggio sannini trattato con Cottoflash System