Sunscreen Cladding

Sannini Products


Doga flat

disegno elemento in cotto doga con kerf

Terracotta covers
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Innovation in cotto cladding.

Description of specification items

Sunscreen cladding realized with realized with “doga flat”

Supply and installation of a “rainscreen” and “brise-soleil” cladding, composed of a mechanical steel fixing system and Sannini Impruneta terracotta elements, acid-washed and treated:
Primary structure constituted of vertical steel sections placed at 50 cm distances for rainscreen portions and at 100 cm distances for brise-soleil portions. Sections are bound to the support slabs and fixed to the wall by means of special straps and expansion bolts equipped with adjustable spacers. Fastening of the cotto elements to the structure by means of anchors for rainscreen portions and of horizontal tubes for brise-soleil applications.
The cladding is realized with cotto element “doga flat”, manufactured out of a special clay extracted from the Impruneta area. The elements are supplied in sizes of (l x h x t): 500x145x50 mm. They have normal kerfs on their upper and lower edge for rainscreen applications and a “litos” surface texture; elements without kerfs and surface texture “litos” and “arrotato” on opposite faces are used for brise-soleil application. Installation with vertical joints of approx. 6 mm. Elements to be installed at a distance of approx. 20 cm for sunscreen systems.
Treatment: the external face of the Sannini cotto element requires acid-washing using a decalcifying acid detergent for the removal of possible efflorescences and surface protection through the application of an impregnation on a siloxane micro-emulsion basis.

Prodotti per pareti frangisole: doga piana
Prodotti Sannini Impruneta:doga piana
Prodotti Sannini Impruneta:doga piana


Natural Brushed

colori del cotto: arrotato naturale

Extruded terracotta with rustic surface, obtained through working the element’s surface with steel brushes prior to firing. The intense colour of this tile is due to the removal of surface salts during the brushing process.

Tobacco Brushed

colori del cotto: arrotato tobacco

Extruded terracotta with rustic surface “arrotato” and fullbody tobacco colouration.
The coloration is being obtained by mixing a composition of oxides into the clay, allowing a uniform colour penetration

Champagne Brushed

colori del cotto: arrotato champagne

Extruded terracotta with rustic surface “arrotato” and fullbody champagne colouration.
The coloration is being obtained by mixing a composition of oxides into the clay, allowing a uniform colour penetration and distribution. All physical and mechanical characteristics remain unaltered.

Natural Litos

colori del cotto: litos naturale

Extruded terracotta fired without any working processes on its surface.
Slightly striped finish obtained through the natural coloration of the salts moving towards the surface during the drying process, prior to firing.

Tobacco Litos

colori del cotto: litos tobacco

Extruded terracotta with smooth “litos” surface and fullbody tobacco colouration.
The coloration is being obtained by mixing a composition of oxides into the clay, allowing a uniform colour penetration and distribution. All physical and mechanical characteristics remain unaltered.

Champagne Litos

colori del cotto: litos champagne

Extruded terracotta with smooth “litos” surface and fullbody champagne colouration.
The coloration is being obtained by mixing a composition of oxides into the clay, allowing a uniform colour penetration and distribution. All physical and mechanical characteristics remain unaltered.


Prodotti per pareti frangisole:doga piana
Prodotti per pareti frangisole:doga piana

Sizes weight and finishing

SIZES lxwxt mm




