Since 1910

production of cotto from Impruneta


sannini Since 1910 foto di repertorio
sannini Since 1910 foto di repertorio

SINCE 1910

SANNINI is a company with more than a century of history and a future which has yet to be written. It was founded in 1910, by Carlo Sannini Baldassarri, the then owner of a small forge who had the ability and imagination to turn its Mechanical Plant for the Production of Bricks – that was the name of SANNINI at the beginning of the twentieth century – into the first factory for the manufacturing of cotto.
A true leap in quality happened when he decided to buy new equipments from abroad and follow the crazy idea to work Galestro marl of his Impruneta quarries in unusual shapes that even architecture could appreciate.

At the end of Renaissance, cotto seems to go out of fashion: from a noble matter used to decorate villas and palaces, to poor construction and coating material for rural buildings.
Carlo Sannini fully restores its dignity. On one hand he devotes himself to develop the typical productions of farming culture, renews the extraction and baking techniques of clay; on the other hand he starts experimenting, invests in research and innovation giving proof of great creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.

The factory of the origing grows and occupies an increasing number of workers, but quality is still the first goal of the company, always more committed to explore new possible applications for terracotta.
And new markets: beginning from the Fifties, the direct involvement in projects of historic and artistic interest like those for the Palazzo del Te in Mantua, the Church of the Holy Apostles in Florence and the Chiaravalle Abbey in Milan, just to mention a few, strengthen the prestige of SANNINI, which obtains orders always more important in Italy and abroad. The paving of Tokyo Subway, in the Seventies, is one of them: Made in Italy was not yet a brand and SANNINI was already able to anticipate trends.